"Unreal Engine 5.1 RTS and RPG Engine" with Open-World Ancient 3D World and Town (using the Unreal Landscape Tool Editor) and 3D Ancient Warriors with Blueprint and C++ Scripting, Landscape Editor, Animation Classes, AnimGraphs, Enemy AI, HD Raycasting and Game Movie (Sequencer) Output
"Unreal Engine 5.1 RTS and RPG Project" is a Unreal Engine 5.1 Project Template for developing Real-Time Strategy and RPG games.
- Unreal Engine 5.1 HD raycasting and illumination
- Unreal Engine Landscape Tool Editor and Blueprint scripting for level interaction and exploration using the Unreal World Partition
The Sequencer Game Movie Level is in MovieSceneMap (UnrealRPGProject2\Content\EnvironmentPack2\Maps). Select the Sequence Camera in the World Outliner and
Open the sequencer from the Details panel.
You should have a track for the Actor and the Cine Camera where you can lock the LocRotScale parameter of the
Actor (or other game objects in the level). You can refresh the Thumbnails by right clicking
on its track and choosing Thumbnails->Refresh. Pressing Play (in the Playback controls) shows
the sequence camera trajectory and the Actor animation and physical movement. You can insert new Animation sequences for
the Character Actor by right-clicking on
the Actor track and selecting a new animation from the Animation category (such
as Idle, running, walking or attacking).
You can position and oriet (LocRotScale) the Actor and from the World
Viewport and then locking it in the timeline of the Actor Track by clicking the Actor
Tracking (Name Label) and pressing “Enter”.
Press the Generate RenderMovie to
generate an .AVI (or .MP4) in a chosen
output folder.
Instructions -
The C++ source files are stored
in C:\Users\Andrew\UnrealProjects\UnrealRPGProject2\Source\ and the Visual
Studio C++ solution is UnrealRPGProject2.sln. You can open the
Visual Studio C++ solution from the Windows Explorer independently from the
Unreal Editor.
Remember to Build the Level and
Lighting (Build HLODs) for the textures to show up in the Level Editor
Viewport. Ctrl+Alt_F11 to initiate the "Live Coding" Building Syncing for Visual Studio and Blueprint. Right Click on World Partition and Load Maps to load the Desert Level.
Game Actors come with a Blueprint (filename
suffixed BP which can be opened in the Blueprint Editor) alongside the C++ Actor
class counterpart. To use the Hell Hound Blueprint (Enemy Actor), right click
it in the Content Browser and choose "Reload" (located in the Wolf
Folder). The player character “Ancient Warrior” is stored in the
Character Folder.
The game levels are
ThirdPersonMap and MainMap (a Forest Canyon and a Canyon Level), the
Visual Studio C++ Project Solution is the UnrealRPGProject2.sln solution which contains some
custom C++ Actor Class code (Player Controller, AI and some GUI interface Code)
and the Blueprint Visual Node scripts are stored in
MyBlueprints folder for level
interaction (switches, pickups and objective points).
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